Well, things have taken an interesting turn. It appears many of the "Demon Girl" files are persona non grata here and are deleted automatically within 24 hours of being uploaded. I suppose it's just as well since I recently found out the original creator of the content known as "Kei", whom I believe is also the creator of many of the "Bambi" files, pretty much went insane through the use of hypnosis, astral projection, and THC. They wanted all their original work to be destroyed, ending all their social media accounts and stores. I followed them on nearly every outlet and purchased more of their content than I care to admit to now.
Their files are very strong, and the effects last for sure. But they go well beyond many people's limits. If you listen, use caution. There are ZERO safeties in those files. Be careful out there and enjoy yourselves, and don't go beyond what you honestly enjoy and can handle.