Hope those hypnodisks and Lida machines and odd chemical concoctions that Santa brought are getting early and frequent use. For those of you on the Naughty List this year... my email's on my profile page. We'll talk.
May 14, 2016 - For failure to wear assigned uniform while shopping, listen to 1 hour Evil loop, mostly Evil Abuse sampler and Evil a little pain. Additional task to include wearing limp dick DCD (Designated Chastity Device) the rest of the day and wear a diaper to bed. Thank you, Master EMG for the Evil files. Very Respectfully, slave ba.
I’m finally getting my collection of hypnotic scripts– the scripts for all of my free and for-pay recordings– in publishable form, and right now I’m working on the index. What sorts of ways would you want to be able to search for a script?
I like people, men especially, who have an open mind. Sexual preferences exist on a continuum, with a variety of inclinations, right? We all instinctively know that, so why do we need to play the game?? People need to get over their fears about alternative life styles and sexual preferences. Kudos again, to the people who make this site work!