About me
Two summers ago I started listening to a bimbo hypnosis file, because i thought bimbos were hot and I didn't think hypnosis could effect you past trance. I liked it, and continued for a while before I noticed it was effecting me in my day to day--but when I realized, I was addicted and couldn't stop. That when on for about two months.
The effects varied and weren't always the same intensity, but essentially: my attention span became terrible (almost like adhd), my memory got way worse, my speech patterns devolved, writing became harder, critical thinking in general became harder, interesting interests became more difficult and in some cases boring, I was horny 24/7, my interests tilted more stereotypically girly, and I was obsessed with the idea of sucking cocks and becoming a bimbo. I didn't want my life to be ruined, so I tried my best to hide it and tried to find a way to make it stop.
After the two months I found a tist who said he could fix me. After a few voice sessions, the addiction wore off so I didn't have to listen anymore, and all of the effects had lessesned immensely--but I could tell they weren't full destroyed. Something had changed irrevocably and I guess internally I was now part girl.
I dealt with this sort of inbetween zone for a while, the effects coming and going depending (and usually getting worse the hornier I was). At one point I even left the country to a third world area to get away from the internet, thinking that may help--but honestly the terrible way women were treated there (as sex objects) turned me on and me not having the internet as an outlet just kinda made the effects worse.
I started trying to find someone who could isolate all the effects in a trigger, and flesh out the personality, so I could trigger her when it was safe and none of the effects would effect me while I was normal. This happened about two months ago. At first it worked great, but then it started leaking over again except the bimbo side is in some ways stronger because she's a actual personality. One example is me fucking my girlfriend loudly at a party in the bathroom, something I'd never normally do because I'm a pretty reserved person. School became even more difficult yet again, and now that I’m graduated I’m worried things may get worse once i don't have required intellectual stuff to do...
Right now I'm just really struggling with where to go from here and am pretty confused. Letting her take over isn't an option and I'm not gonna let it ruin my life, so I guess the two ways is to try to get rid of her (which I think is impossible at this point) or continue to struggle with it and find a better way of dealing with my urges and identity, and her, on a day to day basis.
annnd that's pretty much it in a nutshell :P
my skype is dantelikesyou123 . Would love to chat there! I'll be way more impressed if you make it obvious you actually read my profile :)
Contact Information
WMM Username
Hypnotic Preference
Years as a Subject
Fetish's I Enjoy
Mind Control
Favorite Fetish Scene
Being turned into a dumber-then-a-rock, cotton candy filled head, horny as hell, giggly and girly bimbo.
Been off site for a while folks, hope everything is OK. My subscription ran out and I couldn't find ANY way to pay for it again. EMG please address this; You click a subscription level and it goes to a page that says "Please pay.....", with NO way to pay it at all that I could see.
Please advise!